Sunday, December 11, 2011

Accepting Rejection

"Accepting rejection the right way, shows that you are a strong human being. Look forward to upcoming acceptance." by LoVerSLaND

     In a few weeks,  year 2011 will come to a close. All must bid farewell to 2011 and welcome the new year - 2012. Before I finally close my "2011 book" I want to express how thankful I am for everything that I experienced this year. I have been through lots of firsts. First time to blog (via Cristine’s Favorites) and I found out that blogging isn't just a hobby. For some it is their means of living. They earn, make money and support their families through their blogs.

    Blogging for me is my outlet. For stress and for my dreams that are yet to come true. I dream of becoming a writer. That dream remained in me like fire that never stopped burning. I first attempted to make a manuscript:Sending the Manuscript of my First Tagalog Romance Novel but December 9, 2011 came, the day when I received an email saying that the PHR Editor decided not publish my work. 

     Sad - that was my initial reaction. That feeling only lasted for a few minutes. At the later part of the day, I found myself convinced that I will finish my second manuscript (on my way to Chapter 2) and try my luck once again.

1 comment:

Pinaywriter said...

We all dreamt of PHR accepting our work. But you have to remember something, being a writer doesn't mean just one publishing house. There are so many others.